4 things you could frame that aren’t photos
While the name ‘picture frames’ naturally suggests framing photographs, this isn’t your only option. In fact, there’s tonnes of possibilities when it comes to custom framing. This includes everything from hanging up personal items and clothing, to displaying more unusual items like engineering tools and the fluff from a washing machine — yes, we’ve done that.
If your home is already decorated with photos of cherished moments, it’s understandable to be looking for quirky items like the ones discussed above, which requires thinking outside the box. Here at Soho Frames, we often complete custom framing projects for clients, so should you want to display something weird and wonderful in your home, we’re always happy to discuss this and book you in for a consultation. Here are five amazing ideas to spark your imagination.
1. Maps
Maps are often filled with vibrant colours and different textures, making them perfect for a framed display. Not just pieces of paper, maps are intricate, detailed and interesting to look at, and a unique addition to your decor. They can also be sentimental — the location of the map could mean something special to you, like one of your hometown, a dream travel destination, or where you met your partner. So, not only will a framed map look fantastic on your walls, it could hold significant meaning too — something that makes you smile and feel nostalgic every time you see it. Check out the antique map that we recently placed in a shadow floated frame for inspiration.
2. Sports shirts
What better way to honour the sports team you love so much than to frame one of their shirts? This is ideal if you have a limited edition or signed piece of memorabilia. Simply hanging the garment in your wardrobe where it might get creased or damaged is unwise, whereas framing it allows you to display it in your home. The jersey can make for a cool display in a game room, kid’s bedroom, or converted basement area, adding character, excitement and vibrant colour to a neutral space. In the past, we have had the pleasure of framing a variety of sports-themed items, including football, rugby, cycling shirts, and even a Formula 1 racing suit. So, if you have a special sports shirt lying about that you want framed, be sure to contact us to talk about it.
3. Guitars
If you love music and have a guitar that’s special, framing it is a great option, especially if it’s too valuable or fragile to play. This can also help keep it in pristine condition and pay homage to your favourite music musician if it’s the same brand of guitar they use, making a fascinating talking point for guests. However, framing one requires specialist knowledge. It’s not as simple as sliding a photo into a standard frame, and it needs special care to ensure the right materials are used and the instrument isn’t damaged in the process. If you’re interested in framing an instrument, have a look at this signed guitar we completed for a client to see just how it could look framed. You can have it behind glass for protection or even have it placed in an open build. As well as being an impressive decoration, framing a guitar is a much more attractive storage option, rather than leaning it up against a wall or keeping it in its case.
4. Puzzles
Puzzles require time, concentration and determination to complete, especially if they consist of thousands of pieces. And it’s a massive shame to break it all up after piecing it together. Instead, why not frame the puzzle and show off your hard work? They will look great in your office, playroom, or anywhere that needs a splash of colour, creating an aesthetically pleasing design for your interior. Be aware though that assembling a puzzle picture frame can be quite fiddly, so to save you time and patience (already spent doing the puzzle in the first place), why not leave it to us? Get in touch today and we’ll see what we can do for your custom frame.